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What to do every moth

This page provides monthly guidelines and activities to help you stay on track.

Monthly Tasks

  • February Happy February! We are getting some nice days. Spring is near! So, what does that mean to the beekeeper? Remember that we check for pests, space and nutrition. Soon all three will be essential to keep up on, but for now, while its still cool and we still have some cold days coming, we need to concentrate on nutrition. On nice days the bees are more active, active cleaning out dead bees, with elimination flights, gathering water, and looking for nectar and pollen. This means that they are eating more of their honey stores. Here are some February chores to do while we wait for spring Winter
  • Inspections – On a day that is in the 40s with no wind, crack open the lid of your hive to see the amount of candy board that is left if you have one. On days in the 50s with no wind, you can quickly open the lid to assess the size and location of the cluster, and the vicinity of stored honey. Move outside honey frames, if any, in closer to the cluster. Loosen the top box and lift the back of it to estimate it’s weight and honey stores. If it seems light, definitely put on fondant or a candy board. These inspections need to be very brief. A big cluster of bees may be eating more and need more emergency food. Check them periodically. A small cluster may need more help also. Check they have emergency candy board. Insulate them so they don’t lose bees to the cold. When the nectar flow does start, they may need to be fed liquid sugar water till they grow in size.